What you should know…

At Arizona Sleep and Breathing, Dr. Merchant uses CO2 laser technology such as lightscalpel. This laser is specifically designed for soft tissue procedures ensuring minimal tissue trauma and promoting faster healing.
Frenuloplasty, a laser surgery used to release a tight band of tissue under the tongue (tongue-tie) or upper lip (lip-tie), involves sutures at the release site to minimize discomfort and speed up healing. The tongue is essential for many functions, and ankyloglossia (tongue-tie), can cause issues with infant feeding, speech, and social interaction. Laser-assisted lingual frenectomy is considered the simplest, safest, and least traumatic treatment for tongue-tie due to the tongue's vascular and mobile structure.
Ankyloglossia (Tongue restriction) is often misdiagnosed and overlooked in newborns, with a 3.2% prevalence rate. If left untreated, it can negatively impact many aspects of life. If you concerned about your baby not able to thrive due to tongue and lip restrictions, call our office at 520-299-1736.
We can help!