Welcome to Arizona Sleep and Breathing!

Our dental practice provides quality dentistry for patients of all ages. We offer a wide range of dental services, including preventive, aesthetic, restorative and reconstructive dentistry. Our vision is technology driven, with focus on teamwork, training and continuing education. We strive to utilize tools and state of the art technologies to provide best patient care today’s dentistry has to offer.
On your first visit with us, a comprehensive clinical evaluation will be done. Our team will record baselines for each patient including photos of teeth, series of dental photographs, infrared assessment of posterior teeth with Carivu, BMI, blood pressure, and neck circumference.
This evaluation includes:
- Exam of head and neck
- TMJ and Sleep evaluation
- Dental examination
- Orthodontic evaluation
- Periodontal screening
- Cancer screening
- Smile evaluation
Completed patient forms and questionnaires are reviewed in detail by Dr. Merchant with each patient. From all the clinical records we assembled at your first visit, a complete diagnosis and a treatment plan is developed. It is our role to examine all the aspects of your oral health and assess its current status, make a diagnosis and develop a comprehensive treatment plan that will achieve optimal comfort, function, health and esthetics.